Bianca Pereira

The 30 days writing challenge

March 18, 2016 | 1 Minute Read

There is a long time I am trying to push myself for writing. I am just not good at expressing myself in written words but I really would like to be. Words are just not the easy way for me. I would prefer sing or dancing with a little bit of drama. Even so, here I am trying again.

Today I found an article on Medium that called my attention. The author talks about writing daily but also touches in a very specific topic that called my attention: “The inner critic”. Most importantly, he talks about how to shut it up.

The main reason why I usually do not enjoy writing is that I am always judging myself. Who will read that? What would the reader think? Will he/she like or dislike? What if I change my mind? The article will be available on the Web… forever.. It is not good enough. I have nothing good to say!! At the end this is just the inner critic killing my creativity. We have thousands of thoughts daily, we have an always changing opinion to share with whoever wants to hear. Why not to give it a try?

I will. This is the first day of my 30 day writing challenge. It is a challenge for self-expression, not to cause impression. Let’s see what can come out of that.